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My Current Content Backlog


In line with how there’s too much content, not enough time to watch it all and how I’m basically a content glutton, here’s all the stuff I thought I would go through at some point:

  • 450 articles in my rss reader,
  • 110 tabs on my mobile Safari
  • 702 posts in safari’s reading list (which can’t be exported unless you make a data request)
  • 3,063 videos on my iPad
    • 1,720 more videos are sitting on my external hard drive waiting to be watched
    • On top of all that, I’ve just added 498 videos to the hard drive
  • 35 movies
  • 14 TV shows
  • 121 Podcast episodes
  • 166 Books (as ePubs in Apple Books)
    • Another 128 books as PDFs
  • Countless games I want to play

Note that this is a lower bound and things grow by the day. I’m about to give up on trying to catch up since it looks like it will never happen.