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Bunch o’ Bookmarks I’ve Found in Most of 2020


Here’s a bunch of links I’ve nfound interesting up to this point. My Pocket list is gettting cluttered and I wanted to clear it up. It kept getting better but I’ve decided to stop and publish what I have.

Yakuza examines masculinity with care, but leaves women behind by Sam Greszes on Polygon

I’ve spent over 100 hours going through Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza Kiwami 2 and it’s such an amazing series. I’ll simp for it another time, but that doesn’t mean it’s free of problems.

In this post, Sam goes over the feminist critiques of the game which have to do with how the women in the game, as well written they are, have been written without agency, constantly needing to be saved somehow.

A bit of a shame given how well it deconstructs toxic masculinity through the protagonist Kiryu. Since they’ve tried really hard to make the story “for men, by men, to men”, the women in the series fall short of their potential.

Memers are making deepfakes, and things are getting weird

Another Yakuza related post which looks into how deepfakes are getting real popular. More recently, the deepfakes where deepfakes of men from not quitting Linus Sebastian through to Jeffery Epstein (who didn’t kill himself) sing Baka Mitai. The article mentions a recent graduate who managed to make the deepfake and share how to with a tool the company she works for makes.

As entertaining as these are (though it’s a bit yikes when Hitler and Stalin sing Video Killed The Radio Star), there’s a lot of potential for abuse, more so than there is already where it’s being weaponized against women.

Still, there’s plenty of great singing in the Yakuza series. I really should write about it soon.

The Truth is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free by Nate Robinson in Current Affairs

A great article on how lies spread much further than the truth because the honest people insist on taking money whereas liars will gladly do it for free. Some libertarian think tank can post trash but academic journals charge both to publish and to read. Goes into a broader discussion of how copyright isn’t working for the greater good but rather to make a few people rich.

Building Climate Change Into Your Early Retirement Plans by Tanja Hester on Our Next Life

I had a doomer phase wondering what the point of retirement saving is if the planet will be an inhabitable mess1. This seems like a good assessment that climate change will have to retirement, expecting less returns and higher expenses, factoring in slack and considering the millions who’ll be displaced and starving.

Eugenia Cheng’s Answers to Grace Cunningham’s Question’s [PDF]

The other day, Twitter found Grace wondering how we know math is real. While it wasn’t a dissertation, they’re interesting questions. Sadly, for people who don’t like to be corrected, they sure seemed to dunk her for not understanding math, even though she got an A+ in the subject and there are people who’ve dedicated lots of time figuring out how maths work who understand her questions just fine.

Grace then discovered her video was viral on twitter and asked some better questions on how we understand math, and why the smart people weren’t dunking on her. One smart person, categorical mathematician Eugenia Cheng decided to answer her questions. Nerds, be like Eugenia and be willing to answer questions from curious folks once in a while.

How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled by Laura Sullivan on NPR

Honestly, there are things I wish would happen to fossil fuel executives, but I won’t mention them here. Just know that just 10% of plastic is recycled and oil companies have marketed hard how recyclable it is even though they just wanna sell more plastic, which is trash (pun fully intended and acknowledged).

How to increase productivity

Actually, Jack Conte (founder of Patreon 😉) in general. While his video style annoys me, he has some very valuable lessons on creation. In the linked video, he compares publishing to finishing, and why to be known for putting out great work, you need to focus on publishing since you’ll never finish.

  1. Climate change won’t be a straight up apocalypse, but it’ll be very hard to live as we need to adapt to the chaotic environment. If you’re in the west, you’ll probably be less affected and might have some semblance of normality. ↩︎

  2. potholer54 is a great YouTube channel in general devoted to debunking bad science. What I like about him is that even though he started making YouTube videos in the age of New Atheism, he doesn’t drone on about social justice warriors like the rest of the pack. ↩︎

  3. I understand trans men, non-binary and a gender folk can have vulvas, but “people with vulvas” sounds wrong. Same with “menstruators”, “condom wearers” and the like. I guess it’s to be specific about what’s being talked about, but there are surely better words for it. ↩︎