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An Essential Tool for Capturing Your Career Accomplishments
See An Essential Tool for Capturing Your Career Accomplishments on alistapart.com
When I worked at a library in college, one of the best things our boss Todd made us do is keep track of all the work we did in a wiki.
This post is a better articulated approach to this. It suggests creating a CMD in which you keep track of all the work you’ve done for portfolio’s and resumes/CVs. Once a week, you collect evidence of work you’ve recently done—emails, Jira tickets, SCM commits and the like. It doesn’t have to be related to the specific job requirements however.
Building a CMD gives you numerous bullet points for resumes. Rather than restating your job title or listing you job description, you can recall what you did at a job. Also capturing screenshots of WIP allows you to buid up material for a resume.
Asides for a resume and portfilio, they can also hep you in a job interview and performance reviews. It’s also reqarding just to see what you’ve accomplished.