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The Fucking Fourth Wave Is Imminent So Get The Fucking COVID Vaccine


COVID is getting bad again. Lots of Europe are dealing with loads of COVID cases and it’s about to take off here too and it could be far worse than before. I planned a holiday with my family next month (in a clown state even) and honestly, I don’t know if it’ll happen and if it does I hope we don’t catch it.

It’s time to be cautious. Only go out if you have to (what the hell am I planning?) and be careful when you do (wear a damn mask, especially indoors). And most importantly, get the fucking vaccine right now! I only know about Zimbabwe and South Africa but there are so many vaccines which won’t work if you don’t get it. Don’t wait for endless death announcements and thousands of new infections a day to get vaccinated, be proactive and get jabbed today.

The anti-vaxxers are wrong, and while Sinovac and Sinopharm might not be as effective as the western counterparts, they work incredibly well. It would be nice if they were giving booster shots. I’d get it in a heartbeat and I’ll also get vaccinated in the US as well just because I can.

In short, get the fucking vaccine!