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The 30th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony


See The 30th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony on www.youtube.com

The Ig Nobel awards is a ceremony that awards research that makes people LAUGH and THINK. Past prizes include:

  • Gideon Gono (Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe) in mathematics for for giving people a simple, everyday way to cope with a wide range of numbers — from very small to very big — by having his bank print bank notes with denominations ranging from one cent ($.01) to one hundred trillion dollars ($100,000,000,000,000). Yes, we really did have 1c banknotes. Honestly, I think this prize
  • Getting stung in the nuts by bees
  • Arresting a man for clapping, despite said man having one hand.

Given COVID, the ceremony couldn’t go as planned and they had to host it via Zoom. The prizes I liked were:

  • a management prize fot the five Chinese hitmen who subcontracted a hit job (killing someone for money) to one another,
  • the material science award for disvoering that frozen shit makes terrible knives,
  • India and Pakistan diplomats for ding-dong-ditching each other and
  • US’s Trump, Brazil’s Bolsonaro, India’s Modi, UK’s Johnson, Mexico’s Obrador, Belarus’s Lokashenko, Turkey’s Erdoğan, Russia’s Putin and Tukmenistan’s Berdimuhamedow for showing that politicians can have a more immediate effect on life and death than scientists and doctors can. If that ain’t the truth (which I wish it wasn’t).

Fun award all around.