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Is the World Getting Safer?


See Is the World Getting Safer? on unintendedconsequenc.es

This post looks into how hard it is to make such statements like “the world is safer” given how hard it is to get accurate data. It sorta vindicates me since I hate the message pushed by Pinker and ilk that the world is much better than it used to be and by extension, the crappy systems we have don’t need to be changed.

Wow, less people live on $2/day, though it might have to do with there being more people rather than less people actually living in poverty, wohoo. One clear example is how the US is much safer than it was in the 1970’s because of it’s very agressive policing. Mind you other western countries had a similar drop without the big cop fetish.

Not saying the world isn’t better, just that it could (and should) be way better. The thing which annoys me the most is that we literally have the technology to solve a lot of problems (hunger, homelessness and even climate change) and yet we choose not to since it’ll inconvenience a bunch of rich assholes.

Sorry for being political.