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Jordan Peterson’s Transphobic Rant Is Now Pure Video Game Gold


See Jordan Peterson’s Transphobic Rant Is Now Pure Video Game Gold on

In response to getting suspended on Twitter for deadnaming actor Elliot Page, Jordan Petersen released a 15 minute video on how he won’t back down [VIDEO 14:52 Archive]1 since he didn’t do anything wrong because of his unhealthy vendetta against trans people2 who threw him in jail for using the wrong pronouns in 2016.

He asks, what rules you sons of bitches? From Twittersaid sons of bitches’ Hateful conduct policy:

We prohibit targeting others with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.

The video itself is just waffling, with his weird voice and the suspiciously high production value3, but he exudes 2000’s video game villain energy as he says:

Up your’s, globalist scum. We’ll see who cancels who.

In response, endless memes ensued editing him into game clips where he fits right in which you can see in the linked article.


I didn’t talk much of the clips since I wanted an excuse to talk about it. One great thing about Twitter is that it reveals a lot of public intellectuals and columnists to be utter idiots like the rest of us. Their supposed wisdom comes thanks to the time they and their editors put into making their ideas sound sensible.

Given the low barrier to entry for posting, there’s a lot of regression to the mean so to speak. JP is just one example, but it’s quite sad to see himself descend into a mere poster. He “quit” Twitter after he couldn’t take in what he dished out only to be crawling back 4 days later. Now he says he’d rather die than delete the tweet to which I say… is deadnaming someone so important that you’re willing to die over it as you nearly did as you were facing ketamine withdrawal while grieving your wife?

  1. Archive because I ain’t driving traffic to his shite. ↩︎

  2. The amount of effort such people go to purposefully deadname someone. I suspect it’s mere vice signaling because naming someone as they’d like to would be seen as falling for the “postmodern neomarxist wokist” agenda, or something. ↩︎

  3. Seems like it was shot by the Daily Wire who he makes content with. While the Daily Wire’s content strategy is a continuation of the supposed Alt-Right Pipeline [VIDEO 22:15] as it aggregates views from various right-wingers, it’s an interesting new model for media. ↩︎