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I Miss Mel Magazine
I was looking through my old posts and I noticed that I linked to a post featuring a vasectomy historian. It was on Mel Magazine which is basically a woke mens magazine for a lack of a better adjective.
It had a lot of interesting writing from a lot of great left-leaning authors. A lot of the posts were funny and silly, but they had a lot of educational writing as well, especially around sex. Heck, it even turned me into a simp as I subscribed to one of the hot writer’s OnlyFans [NSFW, obviously]. Turns out they did it to learn more about being a sex worker to write about it, but I also learned that they were writing again after a short pause.
Unfortunatley, having high quality content requires high quality writers who need high pay, more than what the Internet is willing to pay. Despite a change in ownership, they only lasted another year before laying off all the writers again. If I was rich I’d throw money at such a publication. Given all the talk about left wingers being bad at making men not become facists because they don’t tell them how to pick up chicks, when it isn’t goofing round, Mel provided good answers to some of those pertinent questions men struggle with.