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On (Gendered) Pronouns
I was looking through my drafts folder and I wrote something on how irrationally people get whenever they see gendered pronouns, which are just language:
Pronouns are language, you fuckwit
There’s a trend these days where people disclose their preferred pronouns (mine are he/him), mostly in solidarity with gender divergent groups. I don’t think it should be a must to declare them, but I see no harm in doing so. Instead of bitching about “what language these SJWs want us to use”, listen to them and use what they tell you?
It’s not hard to be a piece of shit.
If you get it wrong, you can just apologize and move on. No need to through a huge hissyfit.
I should have added that not all languages have gendered pronouns and while they/them is technically gramatically incorrect for a single person, it’s fine to use since it’s been done so since forever.
A long while later, I discovered languagejones on YouTube where he made the video titled 6 reasons the gender critical right and the woke left are both WRONG about pronouns [VIDEO 21:37]. It’s more nuanced than what I wrote previously and has a lot of interesting points like what gender refers to in terms of language (grouping where insisting on they for humans and it for non-humans is a form of gender grouping), how neopronouns can be easy and hard to get and how culture ultimatley determines how pronouns are used. I mean, if gender is a social construct and how you construct yourself differs from what society deems it as then…
I guess this is an ad for languagejones. Apparantly he’s done research on AA(V)E (african american [venecular] english) which is interesting. Explains why he discussed the N-word as a pronoun in the video which is kinda uncomfortable for white folk when someone uses it as a preferred pronoun.