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Vaccines and Freedom [VIDEO: 42:33]
See Vaccines and Freedom [VIDEO: 42:33] on youtube.com/@PhilosophyTube
A great video by Abigail relaying some research on why some people haven’t been vaccinated yet. Rather than finding the “voluntarily unvaccinated” hardline, hyperpolarized idiots, they have some valid questions and raise issues which really need to be addressed.
I was going to make a long screed at how unwise not being vaccinated is at this point but what would that help? This site has very few (if any) readers and I’m not sure my less charitable thoughts on why they’re voluntarily unvaccinated would hold up to data, which they should.
I’m convinced that at this point in the pandemic it’s too late to reach the unvaccinated as anyone who was going to get vaccinated would have already. To that end, the choices are to either make it their problem or to force them to get it because what more can you do to protect them at this stage.
I’d rather focus my attention on what we can do in the future beyond COVID. Restoring public trust, developing social safety nets, incentivising medical research into unprofitable diseases, preventing right wing asshole from gaining office among other systemic changes will take a lot of time so it’s best that we get to it.