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More Studies Shed Light on the Value of Zinc in Covid-19


See More Studies Shed Light on the Value of Zinc in Covid-19 on medium.com

I came across a post which mentioned how zinc seems effective in fighting off the worst cases of COVID-19. I found this post in trying to figure out why. Viruses don’t like zinc in general, so it made sense that it would work with COVID.

The results look promising but more research is needed. Some of the studies were restrospective in that they look back on how treatment worked rather than randomized double blind trials.

Zinc’s antiviral properties were known since the start of the pandemic, but hydroxochloroquine (HCL) snatched all the headlines turns out that HCL helps zinc stay around rather than doing all the hard work.

As a side note, I really like some of the articles posted on Medium. It might actually be worth paying for.