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I was looking into using a CMS instead of Hugo and I was trying to look for resources which would help me migrate. It’s not that Hugo is bad, it’s just that I have different priorities now. Thing is, there hasn’t been much written about this.

This is the most I could find:

  • Wai Hon moved away from Hugo because he wanted to focus more on writing rather than developing. As fun as messing with static site generators is, you can get distracted trying to figure out the details that you forget to write. I identified with this post a lot.
  • Veesar moved away since they wanted to play around with WordPress.
  • Diego moved because publishing a post with Hugo is a big PITA as compared to just using your phone.

I swore I had more than this but this is all I could find. Basically, with Hugo and static site generators in general, since there’s no server hosting your content, you need to fiddle around a lot to update your site.

I’ll look into people who moved from other static site generators to Hugo as well.