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Why Am I Bad At Learning?
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Ever since last semester, I’ve taken time out of class to improve my programming skills. With the help of Free Code Camp, Stack Overflow, Google and YouTube Videos, I got better at programming. As an example, compare my old website:
To my new website
Not bad eh?
Anyways, while I’m proud of how my skills have developed, I still have much to learn. Let’s look at how I’m doing.
What I’m Doing Well
- I’m learning out of class,
- I learn every single day,
- I’m good at getting help
What I’m Not Doing Well
- I give up too easily
- I’m trying to learn too much
- I shy away from hard things
- I end up using Google as a crutch rather than a helper.
What I’m Going To Change
- Work on one thing at a time- Since I’m bad at multitasking, I’ll be better off focusing on one tool at a time. Right now, I’m working on Meteor.js meaning that I’ll learn everything else later1.
- Dedicate one hour each day for learning.
- If I get stuck, slow down and figure out what I don’t know.
- Be willing to ask for help…humbly of course.
So there you go. A self-reflection on my learning methods and what I can do to improve them.
I sucked at using Meteor.js and I’ve shifted to making a project and working figuring things out as I work on it. ↩︎