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CodePen Revisited
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As I was looking for older versions of my personal website, I came across my CodePen account. I haven’t used it much since I stopped using FreeCodeCamp, but it’s really interesting to look back on what I’ve worked on.
FreeCodeCamp Projects
While I was doing FreeCodeCamp, I used CodePen to design the front end projects. I made:
- Personal Websites (more on that in another post)
- Quote Generator (see the revisit on Quote Generator).
- A tribute to Edjar Dijkstra
- A weather checking webpage (no longer works) and
- A Wikipedia Search Engine
I really pushed myself into making these projects. Still, just looking at all the pens out there, I have a lot to learn.
Personal Websites
There are lots of these. I did a lot of experimentation and given how this website looks right now, I guess this is my style1 even after so many website redesigns.
I also had a phase of trying out really basic websites in an attempt to look cool. After all, look at Bjarne Stroustrup’s website and he created C++. I’ll write more on my personal websites in another post.
Test Pens
While I was still working in the library, I was responsible for maintaining their website. At times, I needed to try out some code but I was too lazy to set things up properly. CodePen came in handy a few times then. I used it to make the hours script for the library and fixing the carusel which shows new library titles.
At one point, I also used it to design QuickPush, my first chrome extension.
This isn’t in line with the git series since these projects are on CodePen rather than GitHub, but I did feel the need to mention it. I’m a bit sad that I don’t use it as much, but it will always be a handy resource as far as I’m concerned.
Not exactly mine. I got the inspiration from Cal Newport’s website. ↩︎