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Firefox usage is down 85% despite Mozilla’s top exec pay going up 400%


See Firefox usage is down 85% despite Mozilla’s top exec pay going up 400% on calpaterson.com

Previously, we saw how Mozilla’s CEO justified her salary despite Mozilla’s poor performance. In this post, Cal goes over just how unjustified Baker’s salary is given how badly Mozilla is doing. It has lost market share ever since Google Chrome came into existence!

I’m really worried about this. The browser landscape is contantly getting closer to just being Chrome and re-skinned versions of Chrome. I understand how web browsers are expensive to make, but given their drastic staff cuts, especially to teams like MDN, Servo and Dev Tools, it doesn’t look like they’re going to keep their commitment to an open web.

With the way things are looking, they’re probably going to scrap their rendering engine Gecko and jump on the Chromium train, using their name to sell random web products.