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Web Development Publications Which Pay For Publications
One piece of advice that I wanna act on is to appeal to gatekeepers. I got this from Cal Newport’s podcast Deep Questions where he answers a lot of productivity focused questions. The thinking is that a good way to see if what you’re doing is valuable is to get through gatekeepers (like editors, conference organizers and so on) rather than just do what’s easy (post on social media, write in isolation and what not).
One way I want to do that is by getting something published in a web dev publication. I’ve found some who are open for guest posts and also pay.
- Write a Smashing Article on Smashing Magazine
Guest writers on CSS Tricks- Guest Writing for Boost by Frontend Masters
- Write for Us at A List Apart
- Become a Log Rocket Guest Author
- Contribute to The a11y Project
- Write for DOnations on DigitalOcean
- Auth0 Guest Author Program
I’ve already tried once, but I got turned down. I planned on keeping this list up to date, but I found a GitHub page with a collection of publications and the site Who Pays Technical Writers.