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Scunthorpe Sans 🗯🚫 profanity-blocking font


See Scunthorpe Sans 🗯🚫 profanity-blocking font on vole.wtf

A silly little font which mocks the Scunthorpe Problem by censoring all the swear words, except in the word Scunthorpe.

How this s*** works:

Modern fonts can combine letters into a single ligature, usually for things like fi or fl but you can pick anything so we’ve done it for swears.

In the pages footer are various other weird projects the person has made because the internet is stupid. I’ll try them out and let you know what they’re like once I get time.


Oy shithead! Edit this fucking paragraph and see how this cunt works. For some fucking reason, contenteditable is being a twat so it’ll take some fucking time for the shit to show up. You can enter some shit here.

If that shit doesn’t work, see this image to see what it would look like:

The previous paragraph with the works shithead, cunt, fucking, twat and cunt being censored out