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What Did I Learn About Web Design From Stock WordPress Sites? Nothing Much.
So as I’m trying to look through my RSS feed for inspiration on web design, I started with the WordPress sites. There isn’t much I got from the designs besides the fact that for some getting content out there is more important than setting up a website properly to do it the right way. Heck, this site exemplifies that idea. Though it can sometimes go to far, like Kelvin’s Corner which has great content but shit discoverability.
I guess I need to figure out how to lay content out so it’s navigable instead of being inscrutable like most of these site are unless they put the effort to make some categorization like Robert Kingett (not that it matters, but he uses ClassicPress). I also saw my food blog The Conspicuous Consumer there.
With those done, that makes 11 sites leaving me with 327 sites to look over. Jeez.